니보 슬라이드 위젯

XET 니보 슬라이드 위젯

  • XE Core 호환성 : XE1.5, XE1.7
  • 웹 브라우저 호환성 : IE7이상, 사파리, 파이어폭스, 구글크롬, 오페라
  • 반응형 웹브라우저(모바일) 호환성 :


첨부 이미지만을 추출하여 슬라이드 효과로 보여주는 위젯입니다.

Anahi - E.T.

2014-06-24 , POST BY XETemplate

Zombies Fashion

When Yasmin came into the studio I thought I recognized that special face of hers. I was under the impression I had seen her in some fashion show, or a magazine cover. When I heard her accent I suddenl...

2012-02-16 , POST BY XETemplate

2012 Tesla Model S

Musk hopes to assemble the Model S at a rate of 20,000 per year. A Sport model is planned for after launch. Musk expects a $7500 federal tax credit on electric vehicles of a certain size will defray th...

2012-08-29 , POST BY XETemplate


Born in Pomona, California, on April 28, 1981, Jessica Alba and her family moved to Biloxi, Mississippi, when she was an infant. Three years later, her Air Force father brought the family back to Calif...

2012-02-15 , POST BY XETemplate

Top Stylish Girls Fashion Dresses Model

Stylish girls fashion model Full-time models work with a variety of photographers and trade fashion dresses. Girls Fashion model must house his or her occasion and have to be supple. They have to be re...

2012-02-16 , POST BY XETemplate